þriðjudagur, 5. mars 2013

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Vor 2013

Zobbeggi von Runtweg
Randomized protocol off:Reboot os/HSS_egowar.off/terminate_cells_connected_to_memory_parts_from_all_ego_wars. Reboot from bios_frontal_lobe_activated_credo_startup from drive H-ope to OS (HSS v. 2013beta) f
Open all infected parts (memory/nerve_ends_insert fresh new braincells for dopamine, noradrenaline, serotonine and more... reset space, set time continuence to focus on "NOW" (clean all viruses and trojans affecting "time set to negative past and future thoughts of anxious parts of blurry hopelessness. Set to: default brainstation:higherpower/abusedsubstances.effects

Shut down main system and set to system safe-idle-maintainance-time... at 12:00 GMT on the EIGHT OF MARCH 2013

Going soon to get myself and bring me home: MISSION

Enable Sleep-Mode: Error
Enable Standby Idle Mode: OK

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